*Respond Paper : (只能選教過的)
1. deadline : 6/20 10:00a.m.以前
Hardcopy→ 系辦 莎莎的信箱
電子檔→ 莎莎的電子信箱
左上角日期 : June 20, 2013
標題 : 置中
內容 : 置左+ tab
字型 : Times New Roman
字體 : 12
頁碼 : 第一頁不同,靠右對齊
檢視 : 頁首頁尾
*The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one. The Catcher in the Rye>>
․ humble house 蓬屋
humble meal 粗茶淡飯
․The Catcher in the Rye的作者 : J. D. Salinger (→憤青)
․Bildungsroman(德文)→成長小說、教育小說 (novel of education)
․Problem novel
․Initiation and Quest(Journey)
*用”Setting”來區分”Fantasy”(other than this place)
Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland
*Detective fiction : 推理/懸疑 小說
*The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
→Title character
→Nick 的自我講述
→ point of view (= pov.)
→Gatsby believed in the green light…
․“So we beat on, beats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. ”
*看一部作品時 :
→What is that? 那是什麼?
→What is that for ? 拿來幹什麼用?
→What should we care? 關我什麼事?
*If personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures, then there was something gorgeous about him.->
*才情不能複製,但須有模有樣像個樣。- 莎莎經典名句
Miss Potter, 2006 - “There’s something delicious about writing…”
Gulliver's Travels格列佛遊記
The Secret Garden - “When Mary Lennox was sent to Misselthwaite manor.”
*Words :
1.gesture (n.)姿態
→He raised his hands in a gesture of despair. 他舉起雙手表示絕望。
2. gorgeous(a.) 燦爛的, 華麗的, 豪華的
→The dining-room was gorgeous. 餐廳很豪華。
3.promising star 明日之星
4.temperament(n.) 氣質; 性情, 性格
→He has a romantic temperament. 他富有浪漫氣質。
5. politician(n.)鄉愿
6.be privy to… 祕密參與的, 知情的
→Very few of them were privy to the details of the conspiracy.
7.exempt from…免除, 豁免
→Good students are exempted from attending study hall.
8. You owe me an apology. 你欠我一個道歉。