目前分類:英文兒童文學單字筆記 (17)

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1. Prevailing(a.) 佔優勢的;主要的/流行的;普遍的
Definition: existing in a particular place or at a particular time

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1. Pedagogy(n.) 教育學;教學法/教育;教學
Definition: the study of the methods and activities of teaching

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1. Retrospection(n.) 回顧;追憶
Definition: thinking now about something in the past

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1. Proficiency(n.) 精通;熟練
Definition: skilled and experienced

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1. Supernumerary (a.) 多餘的
                           (n.) 定額以外的人/小配角;臨時雇員

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1. Boundary(n.) 邊界,分界線[(+between)]/ 界限,範圍
Definition: a real or imagined line that marks the edge or limit of something

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1. Corpse(n.) 屍體/殘骸
Definition: a dead body, usually of a person

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1. Voyages(n.) 航海,航行,乘船旅遊/太空旅行
Definition: a long journey, especially by ship

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1. Recklessly(ad.) 不在乎地;魯莽地;不顧一切地
Definition: doing something dangerous and not worrying about the risks and the possible results

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1. Telegram (n.) 電報
                   (v.) 向...發電報;用電報發送

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1. Conspicuous (a.)明顯的,易看見的/引人注目的,著名的[(+for)]/炫耀的
Definition: very noticeable or attracting attention, often in a way that is not wanted

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 1.  Conceivable (a.)可想到的,可想像的;可理解的;可相信的

Definition: possible to imagine or to believe.

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1. Utilize(v.)【書】利用
Definition: to use something in an effective way

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1. Cognition(n.) 認知;知識
Definition: the use of a conscious mental process

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1. Vernacular (n.)本國語;本地話,方言/日常用語;白話/動植物的俗名
                      (a.) 用本國語的;用方言的;白話的/本國的;本地的

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1. Flourish (v.) (植物等)茂盛,繁茂/ (事業等)繁榮,興旺/ (人)健壯有力/揮舞[(+at)]/ 炫耀,誇耀/裝飾
Definition: to grow or develop successfully

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1. Span (n.) 礅距; 跨度/一段時間
             (v.) (橋、拱等)橫跨, 跨越

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