1. Retrospection(n.) 回顧;追憶
Definition: thinking now about something in the past
Eg: I'm sure my university days seem happier in retrospect than they really were.

2. Continuum(n.) 【哲】連續/【數】連續統; 閉聯集
Definition: something that changes in character gradually or in very slight stages without any clear dividing points
Eg: It's not 'left-wing or right-wing' - political opinion is a long continuum.

3. Frustrated(a.) 挫敗的;失意的;洩氣的
Definition: feeling annoyed or less confident because you cannot achieve what you want
Eg: Are you feeling frustrated in your present job?

4. Defy(v.) 公然反抗,蔑視/向...挑戰;激,惹/使不能,使落空,抗拒
Definition: to refuse to obey a person, decision, law, situation, etc.
Eg: A few workers have defied the majority decision and gone into work despite the strike.

5. Apparent(a.) 表面的,外觀的;未必真實的/顯而易見的;明白無誤的(+to)[+that]
Definition: able to be seen or understood / seeming to exist or be true
Eg: I was on the metro this morning when for no apparent reason the man opposite suddenly screamed.

6. Demonstrate(v.) 論證,證明[+(that)]/ (用實驗,實例等)說明,教[+wh-]/顯示,表露
Definition: to show or make something clear / to show something and explain how it works
Eg: These figures clearly demonstrate the size of the economic problem facing the country.

7. Empirical(a.) 以經驗(或觀察)為依據的;經驗主義的/經驗(上)的
Definition: based on what is experienced or seen rather than on theory
Eg: Empirical studies show that some forms of alternative medicine are extremely effective.

8. Assertiveness(n.) 自信;魄力
Definition: describes someone who behaves confidently and is not frightened to say what they want or believe
Eg: Her assertiveness was starting to be seen as arrogance.

9. Adolescent(n.) 青少年
Definition: a young person who is developing into an adult
Eg: The adolescent period is one's best time.

10. Deteriorated(v.) 惡化;質量(或價值)下降;退化;墮落
Definition: to become worse
Eg: She was taken into hospital last week when her condition suddenly deteriorated.

11. Temporary(a.) 臨時的;暫時的,一時的
Definition: not lasting or needed for very long
Eg: The ceasefire will only provide a temporary solution to the crisis.

12. Permit(v.) 允許,許可,准許[+v-ing]/ (不用被動式,用物做主詞)允許,容許
Definition: to allow something
Eg: These stores do not permit sales of alcoholic beverages.

13. Facilitate(v.) 使容易/促進;幫助
Definition: to make something possible or easier
Eg: The current structure does not facilitate efficient work flow.

14. Neutral(a.) 中立的;中立國的;中立地帶的/不確定的,模糊的
Definition: not saying or doing anything that would encourage or help any of the groups involved in an argument or war
Eg: If there's an argument between my daughter and her mother, it's important that I remain neutral.

15. Ethnographic(a.) 人種誌的
Definition: related to ethnography
Eg:  The basic methods of ethnographic interviewing are simple, straightforward, and very low tech.

16. Formality(n.) 拘泥形式,拘謹/正式手續/禮節;俗套
Definition: something that has to be done but has no real importance
Eg: You'll have to sign the visitors' book, but it's just a formality.

17. Proprietor(n.) 所有人;業主,經營者
Definition: a person who owns a particular type of business, especially a hotel, a shop, or a company that makes newspapers
Eg: He is now sole proprietor of the business.

18. Competence(n.) 能力,勝任,稱職/【律】權限
Definition: the ability to do something well
Eg: He reached a reasonable level of competence in his English.

19. Accuracy(n.) 正確(性);準確(性)
Definition: the fact of being exact or correct
Eg: Accuracy is more important than speed in his new job.

20. Paradigm(n.) 範例
Definition: a model of something, or a very clear and typical example of something
Eg: Some of these educators are hoping to produce a change in the current cultural paradigm.

21. Intricate(a.) 錯綜複雜的;複雜精細的/難理解的;難分析的
Definition: having a lot of small parts or details that are arranged in a complicated way and are therefore sometimes difficult to understand, solve, or produce
Eg: Police officers uncovered an intricate web of deceit.

22. Engender(v.) 使產生;引起
Definition: to make people have a particular feeling or make a situation start to exist
Eg: The minister's speech did not engender confidence in his judgment.

23. Integrative(a.)綜合的、一體化的
Definition: tending to combine and coordinate diverse elements into a whole
Eg: Hence enacted law is more authoritative and more integrative than judge-made law.

24. Conceptualize(v.) 使概念化
Definition: to form an idea or principle in your mind
Eg: He argued that morality could be conceptualized as a series of principles based on human reason.

25. Executive(a.) 執行的;實施的;經營管理的/行政上的;行政部門的
Definition: relating to making decisions and managing businesses, or suitable for people with important jobs in business
Eg: His executive skills will be very useful to the company.


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