1. Vernacular (n.)本國語;本地話,方言/日常用語;白話/動植物的俗名
                      (a.) 用本國語的;用方言的;白話的/本國的;本地的
Definition: the form of a language that a particular group of speakers use naturally, especially in informal situations
Eg: He speaks an incomprehensible vernacular.


2. Peripheral(a.)圓周的/周圍的;外面的/次要的
Definition: describes something that is not as important as something else
Eg: Fund-raising is peripheral to their main activities.


3. Immensely(ad.)極大地;廣大地;無限地/【口】非常,很
Definition: extremely, very
Eg: I enjoyed this movie immensely.


4. Cadence(n.)節奏;節拍/抑揚頓挫;韻律
Definition: the regular rise and fall of the voice
Eg: Cadence means the rise and fall of the voice in reading with rhythm.


5. Cleric (n.)教會聖職人員
Definition: a priest
Eg: His grandfather was a Muslim cleric.


6. Intellectual(a.)智力的;理智的/需智力的/聰明的
Definition: relating to your ability to think and understand things, especially complicated ideas
Eg: He regarded them as intellectual pygmies.


7. Perspective(n.)透視圖法,遠近畫法/看法,觀點/洞察力,眼力/遠景;展望
                      (a.) 透視的,透視畫的
Definition: a particular way of considering something
Eg: Try to see the issue from a different perspective.


8. Antiquity(n.)(尤指中世紀前的)古代/古人們/古代的遺物;古代的風俗習慣
Definition: the distant past (= a long time ago), especially before the sixth century
Eg: The origins of this ancient structure are lost in antiquity.


9. Aesthetic(a.)美學的/審美的;具有審美趣味的
                  (n.) 美學;美學標準;審美觀
Definition: relating to the enjoyment or study of beauty
Eg: My aesthetic standards are quite different from his.


10. Unleash(v.) 解開...的皮帶/解除...的束縛/宣洩(感情)
Definition: to suddenly release a violent force that cannot be controlled
Eg: He would have no qualms about using missiles to unleash a nuclear war.


11. Theologian(n.) 神學家,神學研究者
Definition: a student of theology
Eg: A theologian is someone who studies the nature of God, religion, and religious beliefs.


12. Submission(n.) 屈從;歸順;投降[(+to)]/謙恭,柔順/提交(物), 呈遞(書)
Definition: the act of giving something for a decision to be made by others, or a document formally given in this way
Eg: Her present submission is animated solely by her fear of punishment.


13. Assertion(n.) 斷言,言明[+(that)]/ (權利等的)主張,維護; (意見等的)堅持
Definition: a statement that you strongly believe is true
Eg: He made an assertion that he was not responsible for it.


14. Malleable(a.) 展延性的/可塑的;易適應的/順從的,溫順的
Definition: describes a substance that is easily changed into a new shape
Eg: Silver is the most malleable of all metals.


15. Molder(v.) 腐朽,崩壞/衰退
Definition: to decay slowly
Eg: I found these apples moldering in the cupboard.


16. Shalt( v./aux.)【古】shall的第二人稱單數現在時
Definition: you shall
Eg: Thou shalt not kill .


17. Sculpture(n.) 雕刻品,雕塑品;雕像/雕刻術,雕塑術
                    (v.) 雕刻;做...的雕像/以雕刻裝飾;雕刻於
Definition: the art of forming solid objects that represent a thing, person, idea, etc. out of a material such as wood, clay, metal, or stone, or an object made in this way
Eg: Sculpture is a tangible art form.


18. Statecraft(n.) 治國才能;國務才能/權術
Definition: the skill of governing a country
Eg: Centuries of statecraft had refined the concept of sovereignty.


19. Accession(n.) 就職;登基; (權力等的)獲得/同意;加盟/接近; 到達[(+to)]
Definition: the time when someone starts a position of authority, especially a king or queen
Eg: He inherited vast estates on his accession to the throne.


20. Architecture(n.) 建築學;建築術/結構,構造
Definition: the art and practice of designing and making buildings
Eg: She majored in architecture and art history at the university.


21. Existence(n.) 存在,實在/生存/生活,生活方式
Definition: the fact of something or someone existing
Eg: Most religions posit the existence of life after death.


22. Institutional(a.) 制度的/公共團體的;學會的/習慣的
Definition: relating to an institution
Eg: The hospital provides typically awful institutional food.


23. Curriculum(n.) 學校的全部課程/ (一門)課程
Definition: the subjects studied in a school, college, etc. and what each subject includes
Eg: Music is an integral part of the school's curriculum.


24. Assault(n.) 攻擊,襲擊;譴責,抨擊[(+on/against)]/
                 (v.) 攻擊; 襲擊/譴責,抨擊
Definition: a violent attack
Eg: The army renewed its assault on the capital.


25. Outmoded(a.) 老式的; 過時
Definition: no longer modern, useful, or necessary
Eg: Outmoded working practices are being phased out.


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