1. Cognition(n.) 認知;知識
Definition: the use of a conscious mental process
Eg: It is a big leap in the process of cognition.


2. Thereafter(ad.)【書】之後,以後
Definition: continuing on from a particular point in time, especially after something else has stopped happening
Eg: She left Taiwan in 1932 and we heard no more of her thereafter .


3. Sensorimotor(a.)感覺運動的
Definition: of or relating to the sensory and motor coordination of an organism or to the controlling nerves
Eg: Neurologic examinations revealed that the patient had severe sensorimotor and brain stem dysfunction.


4. Operational(a.) 操作上的/經營上的/作戰上的
Definition: relating to a particular activity
Eg: Operational Research is a newly emerging subject.


5. Acquisition(n.) 獲得,取得/獲得物;增添的人(或物)
Definition: the process of getting something
Eg: He devotes his time to the acquisition of knowledge.


6. Puberty(n.) 青春期;妙齡/(植物)開花期
Definition: the stage in a person's life when they develop from a child into an adult because of changes in their body that make them able to have children
Eg: The body undergoes many changes during puberty.


7. Abstraction(n.) 抽象;抽象過程/空想;不切實際的觀念/提取/出神;心不在焉
Definition: the situation in which a subject is very general and not based on real situations
Eg: She's always talking in abstractions.


8. Transcend(v.) 超越/優於
Definition: to go further, rise above, or be more important or better than something, especially a limit
Eg: She far transcends the others in beauty and intelligence.


9. Perception(n.) 感知,感覺;察覺/認識,觀念;看法[(+of)]/感知能力;洞察力
Definition: a belief or opinion, often held by many people and based on how things seem
Eg: He was a man of keen perception.


10. Transition(n.) 過渡;過渡時期/轉變,變遷;變革[(+from/to)]/【音】臨時轉調
Definition: a change from one form or type to another, or the process by which this happens
Eg: Adolescence is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood.


11. Warrant(n.) 授權;批准/ (正當)理由,根據[(+for)]/ 證明;保證;諾言
                  (v.) 使有(正當)理由,成為...的根據[+v-ing]/ 向...保證;擔保[+(that)]
Definition: to say that you are certain about something
Eg: I will warrant him an honest and reliable fellow.


12. Singleton(n.) 獨生子/獨身/(撲克牌)單張
Definition: a man or woman who does not have a romantic or sexual partner
Eg: Bank is a 38-year-old singleton who grew up in Hsinchu.


13. Vagueness(n.) 含糊;茫然
Definition: not clearly expressed, known, described, or decided
Eg: Our discussion identifies some of the vagueness in organizational life.


14. Empirical(a.) 以經驗(或觀察)為依據的;經驗主義的
Definition: based on what is experienced or seen rather than on theory
Eg: There is no empirical evidence to support his thesis.


15. Relevance(n.) 關聯;適宜;中肯
Definition: the degree to which something is related or useful to what is happening or being talked about
Eg: Her ideas have lost all relevance to the modern world.


16. Deductive(a.) 推論的;演繹的
Definition: using knowledge about things that are generally true in order to think about and understand particular situations or problems
Eg: The result calculated by the deductive method is wrong.


17. Pedagogical(a.) 教育學的;教學法的/(小學)教師的 (=pedagogic)
Definition: means concerning the methods and theory of teaching.
Eg: Furthermore, the book incorporates a number of important pedagogical innovations.


18. Hindrance(n.) 妨礙,障礙/障礙物,阻礙物
Definition: something that makes it more difficult for you to do something or for something to develop
Eg: I've never considered my disability a hindrance, but other people have.


19. Facilitate(v.) 使容易/促進;幫助
Definition: to make something possible or easier
Eg: Modern inventions facilitate housework.


20. Egocentric(a.) 自我中心的;利己主義的
Definition: thinking only about yourself and what will bring advantages for you
Eg: He was egocentric, a man of impulse who expected those around him to serve him.


21. Fleetingly(ad.) 飛快地;疾馳地/短暫地
Definition: short or quick
Eg: A smile passed fleetingly across his face.


22. Dimension(n.)(長,寬,厚,高等)尺寸/面積,容積;大小,規模/重要性;範圍/特點
Definition: a measurement of something in a particular direction, especially its height, length, or width
Eg: We measured the dimensions of the kitchen.


23. Affirmatively(ad.) 肯定地;斷然地
Definition: relating to a statement that shows agreement or says 'yes’
Eg: . I cannot affirmatively tell you when I'll come back.


24. Anecdotal(a.) 軼事的,趣聞的/多軼事的;含軼事的
Definition: describes information that is not based on facts or careful study
Eg: Anecdotal instances are open to the criticism of biased selection.


25. Scholastic(a.) 學校的/學者的;學究氣的/刻板的;煩瑣的
Definition: relating to school and education
Eg: We use standardized tests to measure scholastic achievement.


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