1. Telegram (n.) 電報
                   (v.) 向...發電報;用電報發送
Definition: (especially in the past) a piece of paper with a message sent by telegraph
Eg: Just before I left Singapore, I sent them a telegram.


2. Rakish (a.) (船)顯得輕快的/瀟灑的;時髦的;俏皮的/遊手好閒的;放蕩的
Definition: describes a man, especially a rich man, who lives in an immoral way, especially having sex with a lot of women
Eg: He was a serious young man, not rakish or loud-voiced like the others.


3. Paradigm (n.) 範例/【正式】示例,範例,樣式[+of]
Definition: a model of something, or a very clear and typical example of something
Eg: Some of these educators are hoping to produce a change in the current cultural paradigm.


4. Hyperbole (n.) 修辭的誇張法/誇張的語句
Definition: a way of speaking or writing that makes someone or something sound bigger, better, more, etc. than they are
Eg: American humor is founded largely on hyperbole.


5. Decadence(n.) 衰微;墮落
Definition: low moral standards and behavior
Eg: The decadence of morals is bad for a nation.


6. Trumpet(v.) 大聲宣告(或說出)/大力宣傳
Definition: to announce or talk about something proudly to a lot of people
Eg: The radio trumpet ed the news all over the world.


7. Gospel (n.) 信條,準則,真理/教義
Definition: any of the four books of the Bible that contain details of the life of Jesus Christ
Eg: He realized that his calling was to preach the gospel.


8. Outrageous(a.) 可憎的;可恥的/粗暴的;無法無天的/無節制的;令人吃驚的
Definition: shocking and morally unacceptable
Eg: The newspapers exclaimed against the outrageous distortion of truth.


9. Incongruous(a.)不合適的;不相稱的/不協調的;不一致的/前後不一致的(+with)
Definition: unusual or different from what is around or from what is generally happening
Eg: It seems incongruous to have a woman as the editor of a men's magazine.


10. Reputedly(ad.) 據說;一般認為
Definition: said to be the true situation although this is not known to be certain and may not be likely
Eg: Reputedly, he is brilliant at mathematics.


11. Reticent(a.) 無言的;沈默的/謹慎的;抑制的
Definition: unwilling to speak about your thoughts or feelings
Eg: Most of the students were reticent about answering questions.


12. Disciple(n.) 信徒,門徒;追隨者
Definition: a person who believes in the ideas and principles of someone famous and tries to live the way they do or did
Eg: He is a devout disciple of the Episcopal Church.


13. Flamboyant (a.) 火紅色的;豔麗的/浮華的;炫耀的
Definition: very confident in behavior, and liking to be noticed by other people, for example because of the way you dress, talk, etc.
Eg: His coat was adorned with a flamboyant bunch of flowers.


14. Sober(a.) 沒喝醉的;不過量飲酒的/認真的;嚴肅的/清醒的;審慎的
Definition: serious and calm
Eg: I wish those noisy children would sober down.


15. Velvet(n.) 天鵝絨,絲絨/【俚】意外之財
Definition: a cloth usually made from silk or cotton with a thick, soft surface
Eg: She was arrayed in a black velvet gown.


16. Iconoclasm(n.) 破壞偶像(聖像)/ 迷信之破除
Definition: strongly opposing generally accepted beliefs and traditions
Eg: His plays were fairly iconoclastic in their day.


17. Aesthetic(a.) 美學的/美的;藝術的/具有審美趣味的
Definition: relating to the enjoyment or study of beauty
Eg: The professor advanced a new aesthetic theory.


18. Sensation(n.) 感覺,知覺[+that]/ 感覺能力,知覺作用/轟動的事件(或人物)
Definition: something very exciting or interesting, or something that causes great excitement or interest
Eg: He lost all sensation in his legs through cramp.


19. Strikingly(ad.) 顯著地;顯目地;突出地
Definition: very unusual or easily noticed, and therefore attracting a lot of attention
Eg: There are striking similarities between the two cases.


20. Corrupted(a.) 腐敗的,貪污的/墮落的,邪惡的/污濁的,不潔的
Definition: to make someone or something become dishonest or immoral
Eg: The study claimed that violence on television corrupts the minds of children.


21. Morality(n.) 道德,倫理;品行/道德觀/ (道德上的)教訓,寓意;說教
Definition: a personal or social set of standards for good or bad behaviour and character, or the quality of being right, honest, or acceptable
Eg: I have to question the morality of forcing poor people to pay for their medical treatment.


22. Hedonism(n.) 快樂主義
Definition: living and behaving in ways that mean you get as much pleasure out of life as possible, according to the belief that the most important thing in life is to enjoy yourself
Eg: There was a room; it was felt, for both idealism and hedonism.


23. Derivative(a.) 引出的/派生的
                     (n.) 衍生物
Definition: If something is derivative, it is not the result of new ideas, but has been developed from or copies something else
Eg: It is interesting and enlightening to consider the derivative of a vector.


24. Anticipate(v.) 預期;預料[+v-ing]/ 預先考慮到;預先做(或準備)
Definition: to imagine or expect that something will happen
Eg: It is impossible to anticipate when it will happen.


25. Crumble(v.) 粉碎,弄碎/摧毀,破壞
Definition: to break, or cause something to break, into small pieces
Eg: Even if the seas go dry and rocks crumble, my will will remain firm.



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