<<Charlotte’s Web>>

p.77) miracle(n.)/miraculous(a.)

      SOME PIG! (感嘆語,因為沒有加’s’)


p.91) Charlotte對別人的感覺

        terrific, sensational → Wilbur


p.92)  – o– 音標 /a/

→ copy, progress, problem, frying pot, Beatrix Potter….


p.99) radiant (from→ ray 閃閃發亮)


p.100-101) on your belly 趴著

                 on your knees 跪著

                 looking at him with affection 關切的注視


p.104) lullaby 搖籃曲 (小孩子最怕lonely)


p.106) snapped 媽媽叫小孩時,會做的動作。


p.109) spindle 紡錘/ spin紡


p.140-141) humble(a.): not proud and near the ground


p.160) 得了多少錢? 得到甚麼獎項?


p.164) *Climax

“Why did you do all this for me?” asked Wilbur.

“You have been my friend,” replied Charlotte.


p.182-183) Charlotte’s children : Joy, Nellie, Aranea

*Charlotte: brilliant, beautiful, loyal to the end


p.184) Charlotte → true friend, good writer



<<The Tiger>>

→ tiger tiger burning bright~(讚美造物主)

William Blake (以神秘著稱)

William Blake by Thomas Phillips.jpg

 TIGER, tiger, burning bright 
In the forests of the night, 
What immortal hand or eye 
Could frame thy fearful symmetry? 

In what distant deeps or skies 
Burnt the fire of thine eyes? 
On what wings dare he aspire? 
What the hand dare seize the fire? 

And what shoulder and what art 
Could twist the sinews of thy heart? 
And when thy heart began to beat, 
What dread hand and what dread feet? 

What the hammer? what the chain? 
In what furnace was thy brain? 
What the anvil? What dread grasp 
Dare its deadly terrors clasp? 

When the stars threw down their spears, 
And water'd heaven with their tears, 
Did He smile His work to see? 
Did He who made the lamb make thee? 

Tiger, tiger, burning bright 
In the forests of the night, 
What immortal hand or eye 
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry? 


<<Jerry Maguire>> 征服情海



<<Miss Potter>>

→ Beatrix Potter (1866~1943) : famous English author, illustrator, botanist



→ Millie Warne : single and proud of it



When you taught me how to dance? _(Miss Potter)


When you taught me how to dance

years ago with misty eyes

every step and silent glance

every move a sweet surprise.

Someone must have taught you well

to beguile and to entrance

for that night you cast your spell

and you taught me how to dance.


Like reflections in the lake

I recall what went before

as I give alone to take

and will be alone no more.


Other lights may light my way

I may even find romance

but I won’t forget that night

when you taught me how to dance.


Cold winds blow but up on those hills you find me

and I know you’re walking ‘round behind me.


When you taught me how to dance

years ago with misty eyes

every step and silent glance

every move a sweet surprise.

Someone must have taught you well

to beguile and to entrance

for that night you cast your spell

and you taught me how to dance.




*未婚夫 fiance

  未婚妻 fiancee


*歌詞 lyrics

 寫歌詞的人/作詞者 lyricist


*misty-eyed (a.)含淚的;感傷的/矇矓的

*cast your spell~ (下魔咒)


*Next time:

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