1. Recklessly(ad.) 不在乎地;魯莽地;不顧一切地
Definition: doing something dangerous and not worrying about the risks and the possible results
Eg: They drive dangerously and recklessly.


2. Thereupon(ad.) 因此,於是/隨即,立即
Definition: happening immediately after something else has happened and usually as a result of it
Eg: The watch was found in his bag; thereupon he was accused of stealing.


3. Amendment(n.) 改正,修正;改善/ (議案等的)修正案(+to)
Definition: a change or changes made to the words of a text
Eg: Your plan needs some amendment.


4. Parliament(n.) 議會,國會/ (大寫)(英國,加拿大的)國會
Definition: in some countries, the group of (usually) elected politicians or other people who make the laws for their country
Eg: On Tuesday the country's parliament voted to establish its own army.


5. Revulsion (n.) (感情的)突變,劇變/嫌惡;強烈反感(+against)
Definition: a strong, often sudden, feeling that something is extremely unpleasant
Eg: He expressed his revulsion at/against/towards the whale hunting.


6. Departure(n.) 離開;出發,起程(+for)/違背,變更(+from)/偏移,偏差
Definition: the fact of a person or vehicle, etc. leaving somewhere
Eg: Our departure was delayed because of bad weather.


7. Cemetery(n.) 公墓,墓地
Definition: an area of ground in which dead bodies are buried, especially one that is not next to a church
Eg: He was buried in the cemetery.


8. Assault(v.) 攻擊,抨擊(+on/against)/ 施暴,強姦
Definition: to attack someone violently
Eg: A woman and a man have been convicted of assaulting a police officer.


9. Assumption(n.) 假定,設想(that)/ 擔任;承擔
Definition: something that you accept as true without question or proof
Eg: These calculations are based on the assumption that prices will continue to rise.


10. Alienation(n.) 疏遠;離間/讓渡;轉讓
Definition: the feeling that you have no connection with the people around you
Eg: Depressed people frequently feel a sense of alienation from those around them.


11. Bohemian (n.) 放蕩不羈的文化人
Definition: a person who is interested in art, music, and/or literature, and lives in a very informal way, ignoring the usually accepted ways of behaving
Eg: That famous film star leads a bohemian life.


12. Repudiate(v.) 與...斷絕關係;聲明休(妻)/ 否認;批駁
Definition: to refuse to accept something or someone as true, good, or reasonable
Eg: He repudiated the allegation/charge/claim that he had tried to deceive them.


13. Irresolution(n.) 優柔寡斷
Definition: not able or willing to take decisions or actions
Eg: His countenance betrayed irresolution and reluctance.


14. Compulsory(a.) 必須做的;義務的;必修的/強制的,強迫的
Definition: If something is compulsory, you must do it because of a rule or law
Eg: Certain courses are compulsory, others are optional.


15. Journalism(n.) 新聞工作;新聞業/新聞寫作/ (總稱)報章雜誌
Definition: the work of collecting, writing, and publishing news stories and articles in newspapers and magazines or broadcasting them on the radio and television
Eg: The article was an excellent piece of investigative journalism.


16. Segmentation(n.) 分割;割斷/【生】細胞分裂
Definition: to divide something into different parts
Eg: City Insurance segmented the market into three by issuing three types of policy.


17. Unprecedented(a.) 無先例的,空前的
Definition: never having happened or existed in the past
Eg: The air crash caused an unprecedented number of deaths


18. Yawn(n.) 呵欠/【口】乏味的人(或事)
Definition: an act of yawning/ something or someone that is very boring
Eg: He got up with a stretch and a yawn.


19. Bleak(a.) 荒涼的;無遮蔽的,遭受風吹雨打的/寒冷刺骨的/淒涼的,無希望的
Definition: If a place is bleak, it is empty, and not welcoming or attractive
Eg: The house stands on a bleak, windswept moor.


20. Posthumously(ad.) 於死後,於身後/於著作者死後出版地
Definition: happening after a person's death
Eg: The prize was awarded posthumously.


21. Indictment(n.) 控告,告發;起訴/起訴書
Definition: a reason for giving blame/ a formal statement of accusing someone
Eg: He handed up the indictment to the supreme court.


22. Debunk(v.) 揭穿;拆去...的假面具
Definition: to show that something is less important, less good, or less true than it has been made to appear
Eg: The writer's aim was to debunk the myth that had grown up around the actress.


23. Pivotal(a.) 樞軸的/中樞的;重要的
Definition: central and important
Eg: Standards are pivotal to the success of digital wallets.


24. Demise(n.) 死亡;終止/【律】(財產的)轉讓;遺贈/傳位;禪讓
Definition: death/ the end of something that was previously considered to be powerful, such as a business, industry, or system
Eg: The demise of the company was sudden and unexpected.


25. Optimism(n.) 樂觀;樂觀主義
Definition: the quality of being full of hope and emphasizing the good parts of a situation, or a belief that something good will happen
Eg: There was a note of optimism in his voice as he spoke about the company's future.

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