1. Supernumerary (a.) 多餘的
                           (n.) 定額以外的人/小配角;臨時雇員
Definition: a minor actor in crowd scenes / more than is needed, desired, or required
Eg: The supernumerary labors of the lush green season had been dismissed.

2. Agent(n.) 代理人;代理商;仲介人/間諜,特工/仲介,媒介
Definition: a person who acts for or represents another / someone who works secretly for the government or other organization
Eg: She was a free agent, answerable to no one for her behavior.

3. Gravely(ad.) 嚴肅地,莊重地/嚴重地/沈重地,陰鬱地
Definition: seriously bad
Eg: He spoke gravely of the situation .

4. Haunted(a.) 鬧鬼的/煩惱的,被困擾的
Definition: showing signs of suffering or severe anxiety
Eg: She had a haunted look, as if she were constantly anxious or afraid .

5. Traumatic (a.)【醫】外傷的;外傷用的/創傷(性)的
Definition: If an experience is traumatic, it causes you severe emotional shock and upset
Eg: Some of the most disturbed children had witnessed really traumatic things, such as rape and murder.

6. Commercially(ad.) 商業上;通商上
Definition: related to buying and selling things
Eg: The laboratory is still owned by the government but is now commercially operated.

7. Instrument(n.) 儀器;器具/樂器/手段,工具;促成某事的東西
Definition: an object, such as a piano, guitar, or drum, that is played to produce musical sounds
Eg: You can see distant objects with this special instrument.

8. Epigraph(n.) 刻文,碑文,題詞
Definition: a saying or a part of a poem, play, or book put at the beginning of a piece of writing to give the reader some idea of what the piece is about
Eg: Every cut of ancient epigraph of this kind is precious.

9. Succumb(v.) 屈服;委棄;聽任/被壓垮;死(+to)
Definition: to lose the determination to oppose something; to accept defeat
Eg: I felt sure it would only be a matter of time before he succumbed to my charms.

10. Temptation(n.) 引誘,誘惑(+to-v)/ 誘惑物,引誘物
Definition: the wish to do or have something that you know you should not do or have / something that makes you want to do or have something that you know you should not
Eg: As a young actress, she managed to resist the temptation to move to Hollywood.

11. Sinister(a.) 惡意的,邪惡的/凶兆的,不祥的/不幸的,災難性的
Definition: making you feel that something bad or evil might happen
Eg: The ruined house had a sinister appearance.

12. Degeneracy(n.) 退步;退化/墮落;衰亡
Definition: the state of being degenerate in mental or moral qualities
Eg: Moral degeneracy followed intellectual degeneration.

13. Subsequently(ad.) 其後,隨後,接著
Definition: happening after something else
Eg: Those explosions must have been subsequent to our departure, because we didn't hear anything.

14. Triviality(n.) 平凡;瑣屑的事物;無聊的事/ (人的)淺薄;輕浮
Definition: something that is not important / the state of not being important
Eg: The prison sentence seemed rather harsh, considering the triviality of the offence.

15. Bohemian(n.) 波希米亞人;捷克人/放蕩不羈的文化人
Definition: a person who is interested in art, music, and/or literature, and lives in a very informal way, ignoring the usually accepted ways of behaving
Eg: When he was a student he led a bohemian life.

16. Mundane(a.) 世俗的/世界的
Definition: very ordinary and therefore not interesting
Eg: Mundane matters such as paying bills and shopping for food do not interest her.

17. Proliferate (v.)【生】(使)增殖; (使)激增; (使)擴散
Definition: to increase a lot and suddenly in number
Eg: Small businesses have proliferated in the last ten years.

18. Pharmaceutical(a.) 藥的/配藥的;配藥學的/製藥的
Definition: connected with the production of medicines
Eg: She has donated money to establish a pharmaceutical laboratory.

19. Catalyze(v.)【化】催化
Definition: change by catalysis or cause to catalyze
Eg: Any of a group of enzymes that catalyze transamination.

20. Rationalized(v.) 使合理化/為...找藉口/作辯解
Definition: to try to find reasons to explain your behaviour, decisions, etc.
Eg: She rationalized the expense by saying that the costly carpet she had bought would last longer than a cheaper one.

21. Register(v.) 登記,註冊;申報/指示;記錄/正式提出
Definition: to put information, especially your name, into an official list or record
Eg: Within two weeks of arrival all foreigners had to register with the local police.

22. Quantum(n.)【物】量子/定量;總量
Definition: the smallest amount or unit of something, especially energy
Eg: Do you know who originated the theory of quantum?

23. Surrender(v.) (常後接oneself)使投降,使自首(+to) /交出,放棄
Definition: to stop fighting and admit defeat
Eg: The rebel soldiers were forced to surrender.

24. Inert(a.) 無自動力的;無生命的/呆滯的,遲緩的;無生氣的
Definition: not moving or not able to move / not energetic or interesting
Eg: The inert figure of a man could be seen lying in the front of the car.

25. Platinum(n.) 鉑,白金
Definition: a chemical element that is an extremely valuable silver-colored metal, used in jewelry and in industry
Eg: I'll give her a platinum ring.


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