
  • 下次教室換成9106
  •  Sara’s Blog Video Book List
  • 到圖書館五樓看(1) Finding Forrester 心靈訪客

                   (2) Lord of Flies 蒼蠅王

  • Retreat yourself memory
  • 背書要趁早,要多看小說


2. The Catcher in the Rye__ J.D. Salinger

  • 叛逃的青春define “youth”


  • 青少年的口吻寫作,所以會有文法的錯誤
  • 屬於Initiation and Quest (Journey)的類別


  • Ch24


→Mr. Antolini(南歐移民的名字): 作者曾經佩服的老師

→swanky 很炫、很潮

(p.188) “The mark of the immature is that he want to die nobly for a cause.”__ Wilhelm Stekel


(p.183) “~sort of~”, “~kind of~”, “~or~”




(p.186) Then he (Mr. Antolini) said, “Frankly, I don’t know what the hell to say to you, Holden.”                                   


(p.189) appeal to you 吸引你

(p.190) bastard 壞胚子


→ “I’m probably gonna give her a buzz tomorrow.”__ Holden

→ Climax: “Then something happened. I don’t even like to talk about it. ”

→ “~thinking about all the stuff Mr. Antolini~”


(p.8) “Life is a game, boy. Life is a game that one plays according to the rules.”

(p.9) “I don’t give a damn.”關我甚麼事!

         “I got bored.”我好無聊。


  • Ch5


   → “I want to be the catcher in the rye.~”__Holden


  • 刪節號…(只要三點即可)



→ “Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind.~”

→ “~it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.”為有源頭活水來。

→ General MacArthur 最喜歡的作家

   (*Mac:典型愛爾蘭後裔的姓氏 )



  • Foul (犯規) language →褻瀆神明的話

Eg: “oh my god”, “god damn”, “Christ sake”, “Jesus Christ”




  • “Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power    which knowledge gives ”__ James Madison (莎莎最愛的經典名句)

  • Don’t swear on the Lord’s name. 妄以上主之名立誓。

    →可以說的:G, gosh, gracious, good gracious, oh my goodness


4.Coming through the rye. __ Carpenter (John Denver)

→ link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJUIWYX8HlI


5.Next timesparknotes (15min video of the Catcher in the Rye)+ Quiz


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