(1)   The Catcher in the Rye

→problem novel/ initiation novel(journey)







*Mr. Antolini, “I just admire you…”

Holden Caulfield(被圈住、緊錮的感覺)

*a red hunting hat(反戴)


*museum(Ch16,22)→ark symbol


Smokes in your eyes - The Platters


→only 和”捕手”沾上邊: Allie’s baseball mitt

*mitt(手指分不開的)手套 v.s. gloves(手指可分開的)手套

*leukemia(n.)白血病(ch5,p.38)/ anemia(n.)貧血症(an-:without)




*歲月神偷(Echoes of the Rainbow)


*Loneliness: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

(Huckleberry Finn: 1.破草帽+破菸斗 2.keep pecking at me)



(2)   Lord Byron



→<She Walks in Beauty>

*end rhyme: night, skies, bright,…

*One shade the more, one ray the less.穠纖合度,增一分太多,減一分太少。


Byronic hero:心地非常好,自以為幾近完美,但大家都非常的害怕。

*a.) The Hunchback of Notre Dame._Victor Hugo

b.) Jane Eyre (Mr. Rochester)_Charlotte Bronte

c.) Hamlet (to be or not to be)_William Shakespeare



(3)<Georgia Rules>


*August 象徵 “盛極而衰”



(4)The Glass Menagerie 玻璃動物園 - Tennessee Williams



→problem play/ runway hero (Eg: Tom Wingfield)



(5)A Red, Red Rose_ Robert Burns

*用很多metaphor, simile

* “As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,…”


*“Till a’ the seas gang dry, my dear,

And the rocks melt wi’ the sun:…”

→ 愛你愛到海枯石爛。

*Scottish diaspora



(6) Romeo and Juliet_ William Shakespeare

→oxymoron 矛盾修飾語

→ “Parting is such a sweet sorrow…” (bitter sweet)




*go dutch 各付各的(荷蘭語用法)

*R.I.P.= rest in peace

*<Rip Van Winkle> → 美國文學

*Van 象徵荷蘭貴族後裔的姓氏 → Eg: Vango


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