
1. Mediterranean (n.)  [͵mɛdətəˋrenɪən]
the largest inland sea; between Europe and Africa and Asia 
ex. The ancient world was centered on the Mediterranean Sea.

2.converge (v.)   [kənˋvɝdʒ] 
come together so as to form a single product
ex.Economic forces converged to bring the country out of a recession.

3.melancholy(n.)  [ˋmɛlən͵kɑlɪ]
 a deep feeling of sadness that lasts for a long time and often can't be explained
ex.the bleakness of winter sometimes gives me cause for melancholy.

4.vociferous(adj.)  [voʊˈsɪf·ər·əs]

 marked by or given to vehement insistent outcry

ex. The decision was made over their vociferous objections.
5. revoke(v.)  [rɪˈvoʊk]
 to say officially that an agreement, permission, or law is no longer effective

ex.Their privileges were revoked after they misbehaved.
6. adversary(n.) [ˈæd·vərˌser·i]
 one turned against another; opponent
ex.His political adversaries tried to prevent him from winning the nomination.

7. tortuous(adj.) [ˈtɔː.tʃu.əs]
 inflicting physical or mental pain
ex.The path to peace seems at last to be clear, although it may be a long and tortuous one.

8. sustain(v.) [səˈsteɪn]
 to hold up, give support or relief.
ex.The roof, unable to sustain the weight of all the snow, collapsed.
9. omnipotent (a.)  [ɑmˋnɪpətənt]
able to do everything; having unlimited power 
ex.The people overthrew the once omnipotent dictator.

10. ignominy (n.) [ˋɪgnə͵mɪnɪ]
A situation where you feel embarrassed and lose other people’s respects.
ex.She had to endure the ignominy of being forced to resign.  

11. inexorably (adv.) [ɪnˋɛksərəblɪ]
Without remorse, ruthlessly.
ex.These events led inexorably to war. 
12. ramification (n.)[͵ræməfəˋkeʃən]
an additional result of something you do, which may not have been clear when you first decided to do it
ex.Have you considered all the ramifications of changing careers at this stage of your life?
13. slacken (v.) [ˈslækən]
to become looser, or to make something looser.
ex.As he began to relax, his grip on the steering wheel slackened.
14. formidable (a.) [ˋfɔrmɪdəb!]
very powerful or impressive, and often frightening;difficult to deal with and needing a lot of effort or skill
ex.He has mastered a formidable amount of material.

15. remorse (n.) [rɪˈmɔrs]
A strong sad and guilty feeling about something that you have done wrong.
ex.  I could forgive him for what he did if he showed some remorse.

16. insolent (adj.)[ˈɪnsələnt]
Rude, especially when you should be showing respect.
ex.Insolent behavior will not be tolerated.
17. aptitude (n.) [ˋæptə͵tjud]
Natural ability that makes it easy for you to do something well.
ex.The new test is supposed to measure the aptitudes of the students.
18.tripartite (adj.) [traɪˋpɑrtaɪt] 
divided into or composed of three parts .
ex.A tripartite agreement brought together government, industry and trade unions in an effort to reduce unemployment.
19.propel(v.) [prəˋpɛl]
to drive forward or onward by or as if by means of a force that imparts motion
ex.He grabbed him and propelled him through the door.

20. administration (n.)[əd͵mɪnəˋstreʃən]
the act or process of administering.
ex.The editorial criticizes the college's administration for not taking a stand on the issue.

21. millennium (n.)[mɪˋlɛnɪəm]
a period of 1000 years.
ex.The year 2000 was celebrated as the beginning of the third millennium.

22. surplus (n.) (adj.) [ˋsɝpləs]
the amount that remains when use or need is satisfied.
ex.If there is any surplus, it will be divided equally.
23. indigenous (adj.) [ɪnˋdɪdʒɪnəs]
produced, growing, living, or occurring naturally in a particular region or environment.
ex.There are several indigenous groups that still live in the area.

24. scornfully (adv.) [ˋskɔ:nfəli]
ready to take place; especially : hanging threateningly over one's head.
ex.He replied to that charge scornfully.

25. scrupulous (a.) [ˋskru:pjuləs]
having moral integrity : acting in strict regard for what is considered right or proper .
ex.Less scrupulous companies find ways to evade the law.
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