1.archaeology (n.) [ˌɑrkiˈɑlədʒi]
 the study of ancient cultures through examination of their buildings, tools, and other objects
ex.He displayed interest in archaeology.

2 .Fertile Crescent (n.) [ˈfɜr·təl ˈkres·ənt]
a large, curved piece of land in the Middle East between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, important to the growth of human civilization
ex.The Fertile Crescent is a crescent-shaped region containing the comparatively moist and fertile land of otherwise arid and semi-arid Western Asia, and the Nile Valley and Nile Delta of northeast Africa.

3.bureaucratic (adj.) [ˌbjʊr·əˈkræt̬·ɪk]
involving long and difficult dealings with officials
ex.Bureaucratic bungling is the most likely explanation for things going wrong.

4.monstrous (adj.) [ˈmɑn·strəs]
very bad, esp. because too bigex. It was monstrous of him to keep the truth from them all those years.

5.crest (n.) [krest]
the top or highest part of something such as a wave or a hill
ex.We climbed to the crest of the hill.

6.outermost (adj.) [ˈɑʊtərˌmoʊst]
farthest away, or farthest from the center or from the inside
ex.The arrow hit the outermost ring on the target.

7.insulate (v.) [ˈɪn·səˌleɪt]
 to place in a detached situation 
 ex.The company has tried to insulate itself from the region's political turmoil.

8.precarious (adj.) [prɪˈkeər·i·əs]
in danger because not firmly fixed; likely to fall or suffer harm
ex.The strong wind almost knocked him off of his precarious perch on the edge of the cliff.

9.implicit (adj.) [ɪmˈplɪs·ɪt]
suggested but not communicated directly
ex.There is a sense of moral duty implicit in her writings.

10.blizzard (n.) [ˈblɪz·ərd]
a severe snow storm with strong winds
ex.We did not get out for three days after the blizzard was over.

11.taunt (n.) (v.)  [tɔnt]
to try to make other people angry or upset by insulting them, laughing at them, etc.
ex.At school, he had received jeers and taunts because of his size.
ex.The movie is about a criminal who taunts the police with phone calls.

12.prominent (a.)  [ˈprɑm·ə·nənt]
very noticeable, important, or famous
ex. She plays a prominent role in the organization.
13.secular (a.) [ˈsek·jə·lər]
not having any connection with religion
ex.Both secular and religious institutions can apply for the funds.

14.federation (n.) [ˌfed·əˈreɪ·ʃən]
a group of organizations, states, etc., that have united to form a larger organization or government
ex.Canada is a federation of provinces and territories.

15.predecessor (n.) [ˌfedəˈreɪʃən]
a group of organizations, states, etc., that have united to form a larger organization or government
ex.Today's computers are much faster than their predecessors were.

16.versatility (n.) [ˌvɜrsəˈtɪlɪt̬i]
the quality or state of being versatile
ex.Daniels possesses the versatility to play right and left end and tackle.

17.cohesion (n.) [koʊˈhi·ʒən]
(of objects) the state of sticking together, or (of people) being in close agreement and working well together
ex.There was a lack of cohesion in the rebel army.

18.sardonic (adj.) [sɑrˈdɑnɪk]
showing an amused attitude toward someone or something that suggests a criticism but does not express it
ex.The movie is a sardonic look at modern life.

19.reprisal (n.) [rɪˈprɑɪ·zəl]
an act of damage or injury against an enemy in reaction to an act of damage or injury done to you
ex.The allies threatened economic reprisals against the invading country.

20.papyrus (n.) [pəˈpaɪə rəs]
a tall plant like a grass that grows in or near water, especially in North Africa, or paper made from this plant, especially by ancient Egyptians
ex.He discovered a papyrus in the ruins.

21.affluent (adj.) [ˈæfˌluənt]
having a lot of money or possessions; rich
ex.His family was more affluent than most.

22.plague (v.) [pleɪg]
to cause someone or something difficulty or suffering, esp. repeatedly or continually
ex.The country was hit by a plague of natural disasters that year.

23.satire (n.) [ˈsætɑɪər]
a humorous way of criticizing people or ideas to show that they have faults or are wrong, or a piece of writing or a play that uses this style
ex.His movies are known for their use of satire.

24.oarsmen (n.) [pl.] [ˈɔːz.mən]
a person who rows a boat, especially in competitions
25.anthropocentric (adj.) [ˌænt .θrəʊ .pəʊ ˈsen.trɪk]
considering humans and their existence as the most important and central fact in the universe

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