10/17 week 6 Note
*Charlotte’s Web__ E.B.White
(1) Conflict?
(*John Donne “No man is an island.” 沒有人是孤單的島嶼。 )
(3)常出現: peaceful, bored, lonely, hay…等詞
p.13) peaceful smell, hay
p.16) Wilbur→不知道如何與自己相處
→小孩子害怕: bored and lonely
p.18) screamed loudly → cried
p.22) appealing to your stomach
p.23) slop 廚餘 (擬聲字 onomatopoeia)
pail = barrel 桶子
*”freedom is worth a barrel of slops.”
補)) worth(N.)的用法:
1. 價值,真正的價值
→of (great) worth 有(巨大)價值的
→of little [no] worth 沒有什麼[沒有]價值的.
2. 經濟價值;值一定金額的數量
→a dollar's worth of this tea 一塊錢的這種茶葉.
P.24)"I’m really too young to go out into the world alone,” he thought as he lay down.
p.25) drip→小水滴
p.29) 小朋友沒人陪他們玩。
“Will you play with me, Templeton?” asked Wilbur.
*glutton→ 老饕, 貪吃的人
*merrymaker→ 搞笑的人
p.35) Charlotte→喜歡用”big word”的spider
*eg: Salutation! → Hello! (日常用語)
p.47) rotten (1.爛 / 2.語助詞)
→”rotten to the core!”爛到骨子裡。
*人 feel bored 覺得無聊
* I don’t mind. 我不在意。
*change the lane 換車道
*upset-upset-upset(v.) (三態同形)
*spatter(vt.)濺,灑 (擬聲字 onomatopoeia)
*Next time:
→”The tale of Peter Rabbit.”
→”Miss Potter”(Movie)
**Miss Potter - When you taught me how to dance