

→supporting ideas(details) X3 舉例說明

→conclusion 簡潔有力



*Problem novel

*Initiation and Quest (Journey)


*Fantasy /Adventure

*Detective novel


§The Raven Edgar Allen Poe


→Once upon a midnight dreary,~



*Alliteration: The repetition of the same sounds or of the same kinds of sounds at the beginning of words.




(1)   Ode to the West Wind 西風頌 - Percy Bysshe Shelley


“If winter comes, can spring be far behind?”

“Like wither’d leaves, to quicken a new birth.”化作春泥更護花。

→ ode 頌(語調較嚴謹的抒情詩)

→ lyrical poetry (*v.s. narrative poetry 荷馬史詩)


*Bartleby, the ScrivenerHerman Melvillie

→ A story of Wall Street

→“ah bartleby ah humanity…”



*Parable of the Good Samaritan 好心的賽馬利亞人



(2) Ode on a Grecian Urn 古瓶頌John Keats

→“Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all.”

→ “ye”:在詩文中常用的主詞

   John Keats by William Hilton.jpg

(3)conclusion→ psychological

                       →prose- pomes

(4) Pallas Athene/ Phoebus Apollo (*Pallas, Phoebus→閃閃發亮)


(5)ab- :負面

→Eg: abnormality/ abnormal/ abnegator


§ Finding Forrester


(1)   Forrester


→作品:Avalon Landing


*The Temple of DawnYukio Mishima三島由紀夫


*The Temple of the Golden Pavilion金閣寺 - Yukio Mishima




*Yasunari Kawabata 川端康成


Yasunari Kawabata 1938.jpg

(2)   Jamal denies his teacher’s request because of the peer pressure he’s been experiencing among his fellows at the publish school. (fly, basketball, daring game→分三段論述)


§Movie List:

*The Soloist ( Trailer )



*October Sky Trailer )


*Real Genius Trailer )


*Little Man Tate Trailer )


*Finding Forrester Trailer )


*Searching for Bobby Fischer Trailer )


*Amadeus Trailer )


*A Beautiful Mind Trailer )


*Good Will Hunting Trailer )


*Rain Man Trailer )

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