§Discussion of essay (Finding Forrester)

(1)   要先回答問題→在用情節立論說明

(2)   後面要寫support→呼應前面的

(3)   英文寫作


→especially retell the story in the plot.

“He’s a reclusive writer, everyone wants to find him. But, Forrester can’t find himself as well.”

(4)   最後一句:re-emphasized

(5)   複雜的環境:poor neighborhood


*yield to destiny不臣服於命運

(6) hypothesis放前面,要針對問題回答hypothesis


§Edgar Allen Poe

→ <The Philosophy of Composition> 美國批評的始祖

(*Poe uses the composition of his own poem "The Raven" as an example. )

→ “The Tell-Tale Heart

→ “A Psalm of Life

(*“Footprints on the sands of time.”→太道德教訓化)



§James Joyce


(1)   <Dubliners>

→ "The stories were written when Irish nationalism was at its peak, and a search for a national identity and purpose was raging; at a crossroads of history and culture, Ireland was jolted by various converging ideas and influences. They centre on Joyce's idea of an epiphany: a moment where a character experiences self-understanding or illumination. "

→ “三一律”, “意識流”(conscious of decent lives)








Charon: ferryman be the River Styx



(2) ArabyJames Joyce

→initiation journey(a journey of no return foreshadowing)


→puppy love 初戀(癡心妄想的)

→retreat 禁閉

→chalice (the Holy Grail)聖杯

→Conflict: “If I go, I said, ‘I will bring you something.’ ”

(*If the boy can bring something for the girl from bazaar as a gift. )

→Climax: “O, there’s a fib.”


*epiphany 靈光乍現

*Vanity, vanity, vanity, oh it’s vanity. 一時的虛榮幻想

    Half-length portrait of man in his thirties. He looks to his right so that his face is in profile. He has a mustache, a thin beard, and medium-length hair slicked back, and wears a pince-nez and a plain dark greatcoat, looking vaguely like a Russian revolutionary.



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