

Genre→ 兒童文學、青少年小說、文學作品導讀


§ “Where are you going, where have you been?”


*vulnerable→ easy to be hunt

*the final setting→ kitchen

*domestic affairs→ kitchen

(symbol: fragile, fragment)


1. Sexuality

(It’s not about good or bad, is about matter and choice.)

2. Violence (侵入家裡→侵犯身體)

3. Freedom and Confinement

(Free will, Garden of Eden, eternity, the tree in the midst of the garden→Adam& Eve)

4. Visions of America



§Elaine Showalter <Sister’s Choice>

→a leading feminist critic

→ “A Literature of their own”

(19th century 英國女性小說家→Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, George Eliot)

* Jane Austen (the female→提倡女性)

<Pride and Prejudice>

<Persuasion>勸服(最後一本/男主角: Mr. Wentworth)



* Charlotte Brontë(the feminist→某種程度要為自己的選擇付出想當的代價)

<Jane Eyre>



* George Eliot(the feminine →受害的)


<Adam Bede>





“You’re killin’ it ,now!”

“Dude, you roll!/ Dude, you rock! ”

“Hang 11.”

“If you can rock the children, you can make them learn.” – Sara Sun


§ Paul’s Case: A Study in Temperament – Willa Cather

*suspension 留校察看

*teacher’s pet 老師的 “小幫手”(Eg: 丸尾)

*opal 寶石的名稱 (蛋白石)


*Paul was tall for his age and very thin, with high, cramped shoulders, and narrow chest. His eyes were remarkable for a certain hysterical brilliancy.

*Paul was quite accustomed to lying;…



(2)grinned 咬著牙動一下


→It ' s scandalous that you still haven ' t been paid !

(4)blue-veined 青筋


§Willa Cather


→Eg: <O Pioneers!>, <My Ántonia>

Willa Cather ca. 1912 wearing necklace from Sarah Orne Jewett.jpg   OPioneers.jpg  My antonia.jpg

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