§ <Lord of the Flies> - Sir William Gerald Golding
*fly (1)看的到的(屍體上的) (2)聽得到的 (3)象徵性的
(用時態的方式→表達 “不知何去何從”的感覺)
*children of lesser god
(1) allegory : rhetorical device
→Eg: The Faerie Queen – Edmund Spenser
(including the prize of Elizabeth I)
(2)fable: short, narrative, featuring inanimate characters
→Eg: Aesop’s Fables
2.“The Boy Who Cried Wolf”(false alarm)
3.“The North Wind and the Sun”
4.“The Birds, the Beasts, and the Bat”
(“He that is neither one thing nor the other has no friends.” / rejoicing慶功宴)
→Eg: Parable of the Prodigal Son浪子回頭記
(*para- :平行並立 →paragraph, parachute, parallel)
*enclosed area: 阿拉伯之春, 管制網路,茉莉花革命
§Utopian & Dystopian fiction (Apocalyptic literature)
*Sir Thomas More (Saint Thomas More)
→反對新教徒的改革運動 (opposed the Protestant Reformation)
→Utopian (book,理想的地方)
最早出現於<The Republic>- Plato (philosopher/ founded the Academy in Athens)
1.Socrates→ Socrates was a classical Greek (Athenian) philosopher credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy.
2.Plato→Plato was a philosopher, as well as mathematician, in Classical Greece and an influential figure in philosophy, central in Western philosophy. He was Socrates' student, and founded the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world.
3.Aristotle→Aristotlewas a Greek philosopher and scientist born in northern Greece, in 384 BCE. His writings cover many subjects – including physics, biology, zoology, metaphysics, logic, ethics, aesthetics, poetry, theater, music, rhetoric, linguistics, politics and government – and constitute the first comprehensive system of Western philosophy.
*<The Republic>
→ruled by Philosopher Kings
→during the Peloponnesian War伯羅奔尼薩戰爭
* Neverland 子虛烏有之地
→Eg: Peter Pan ,Tinker Bell, and Lost Boys /Author: J.M.Barrie )
→cease to age, refuse to grow up
→as a metaphor for eternal childhood (childishness)
→Everland Resort (A theme amusement park in South Korea)
*Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
*Afterlife (Christianity)
→Monotheism (one god)單一神論
→Polytheism 多神論
*<The Price>君王論 – Niccolo Machiavelli
“as cunning as a fox”
“as vicious as a lion”
→Eg: Odysseus
*vice v.s. virtue
*Machiavellianism ≠ morality
§Fantasy 三大奇幻小說家
(1) Narnia – C.S. Lewis
(2) Thes Lord of the Rings– T.R.R.Tolkien
(3) Earthsea - Ursula K. Le Guin
“The Carnation is his coat was drooping with the cold, he noticed their red glory all over.”
→ “There flashed through his brain, clearer than ever before, the blue of Adriatic water, the yellow of Algerian sands”
*用“ ”→短篇小說
Eg: “Where are you going, where have you been?”
*書名: 斜體 or 畫線
*Thanks your patronage. 謝謝惠顧