1. vulnerable (adj.) [ˋvʌlnərəb!]
 able to be easily hurt, influenced, or attacked
ex.He was very vulnerable after his divorce.

2. privy (adj.) [ˋprɪvɪ]
having secret knowledge
ex. Privy information on the current state of the peace negotiations.

3.quiver (v.) [ˋkwɪvɚ] 
 to shake slightly; tremble
ex. The building quivered as the explosive went off. 

4. plagiarist (n.)  [ˋpledʒərɪst] 
to use another person's idea or a part of their work and pretend that it is your own
ex.  Plagiarist is always suspicious of is steal from.

5. fundamental (adj.)  [͵fʌndəˋmɛnt!] 
 being the most basic or most important thing on which other things depend
ex.The fundamental cause of his success is his hard work.

6. parcel (n.) [ˋpɑrs!] 
an object or collection of objects wrapped in paper; a package
ex.This parcel came in the mail today.

7. riotous (adj.) [ˋraɪətəs] 
very loud and uncontrolled, full of energy
ex.They spent a riotous night drinking and singing. 

8. exempt (adj.) [ɪgˋzɛmpt]
not having to obey a rule or to do something that is usually necessary
ex.School property is exempt from all taxes.

9. intricate (adj.)  [ˋɪntrəkɪt]
having a lot of small parts or pieces arranged in a complicated way, and therefore sometimes difficult to understand in detail
ex.The intricate machine requires a skilled operator.

10. abortive (adj.) [əˋbɔrtɪv]
 prematurely born
ex.An abortive attempt to recover the sunken pirate ship.

11. prominent (adj.) [ˋprɑmənənt] 
very noticeable, important, or famous
ex.She had access to some very prominent people.

12. permanently (adv.) [ˋpɝmənəntlɪ]
lasting for a long time or forever
ex.The doors were kept permanently locked.

13. bungalow (n.)  [ˋbʌŋgə͵lo] 
a small house all on one level
ex.The old couple sold that large house and moved into a small bungalow

14. epigram (n.)  [ˋɛpə͵græm]
 a short saying or poem that expresses an idea in an amusing way
ex."I can resist everything except temptation" is a very interesting epigram. "

15. hemisphere (n.)  [ˋhɛməs͵fɪr] 
 half of the earth
ex.What is the largest city in the southern hemisphere

16. barnyard (n.) [ˋbɑrn͵jɑrd] 
the area around a barn (= farm building), often fenced so that animals cannot get away
ex.The market traders cried out like barnyard cocks.

17. dissimilarity (n.)  [dɪs͵sɪməˋlærətɪ] 
not similar; different
ex.The identical treatment of such dissimilar items is totally illogical.

18. bizarre (adj.) [bɪˋzɑr]
strange and unusual
ex.That party was too bizarre for me!

19. colossal (adj.) [kəˋlɑs!]
very great
ex.This is indeed a colossal success.

20. reproach (v.)  [rɪˋprotʃ]
to criticize someone, especially for not being successful or not doing what is expected
ex.Mother reproached me for being too clumsy.

21. turbulence (n.)  [ˋtɝbjələns] 
 a state of confusion and lack of order
ex.His songs reflect the turbulence of his times.

22. supercilious (adj.) [͵supɚˋsɪlɪəs]
behaving as if or showing that you think that you are better than other people, and that their opinions, beliefs or ideas are not important
ex.He spoke in a haughty, supercilious voice.

23. dominance (n.)  [ˋdɑmənəns] 
more important, strong, or noticeable than anything else of the same type
ex.These economies will no doubt maintain their dominance of financial markets.

24. effeminate (adj.)  [ɪˋfɛmənɪt]
describes a man who behaves or looks similar to a woman
ex.His voice was curiously high-pitched, reedy, almost effeminate.

25. fractious (adj.) [ˋfrækʃəs]
 tending to argue, fight, or complain, and hard to control
ex.The children were predictably fractious.


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