1.   Aphrodite (Venus) - the golden goddess of Love ,Hephaestus's wife and Eros 's mother

NAMA Aphrodite Syracuse.jpg 


2.   Hephaistos (Hephaestus)(Vulcan) - the son of Hera and artificer of the Olympians. 

Hephaestus at the Forge by Guillaume Coustou the Younger (Louvre) 

3.Ares(Mars) - the god of War; the son of Zeus and Hera.

不務正業,Aphrodite (Venus)有姦情 They have affair. (Aphrodite Ares)

 Statue of Ares from Hadrian's Villa

4. Eros(Cupid) - the primal god of Love; using arrows of gold and lead

因為箭法不準→Eros Erros

有一天擦拭自己的兵器的時候,不小心戳到自己,第一眼看到Psyche,就愛上她了(first sight see Psyche)

butterflyPsyche's spirit

 The Eros Farnese, a Pompeiian marble thought to be a copy of the colossal Eros of Thespiae by Praxiteles[1]


Psyche是家裡第三個女兒,有一天他爸爸出遠門,跟爸爸說他要的禮物是,把他帽子勾掉的樹枝上面的花,而那朵花是Eros(Cupid)變的,所以爸爸拿了花, Psyche就要嫁給Eros(Cupid)

You betray our love. →因為結婚之後都沒看過Eros(Cupid)的臉,受到姐姐們的慫恿,半夜偷看了Eros(Cupid)的臉,而違背了協議

6.Demeter(Ceres) - the goddess of the Harvest



7. Hades(Pluto) - Lord of the Underworld; the son of Kronos (Cronos) and Rheia (Rhea).

 Hades with Cerberus (Heraklion Archaeological Museum)

8. Persephone(Proserpina) - the daughter of Demeter and Zeus; the wife of Hades and queen of the Underworld




9. Apollon(Apollo) - the son of Zeus and Leto; the brother of Artemis.


Daphne - was a female minor nature deity. Pursued by Apollo, she fled and was chased. Daphne begged the gods for help, who then transformed her into the laurel.

 Apollo Belvedere, ca. 120-140 CE.

10. Artemis(Diana) - twins sister of Apollon(Apollo),virgin goddess

 The Diana of Versailles, a Roman copy of a Greek sculpture by Leochares(Louvre Museum)

11.Athene(Athena)(Minerva) - the goddess of Wisdom; the daughter of Zeus and Metis; the virgin goddess

 Marble Greek copy signed

12. Hestia(Vesta) - the virgin goddess of the Hearth and humble domestic joy.

 The Giustiniani Hestia in O. Seyffert, Dictionary of Classical Antiquities, 1894

13. Zeus (Jupiter) - the Olympian; the son of Kronos (Cronos) and Rheia (Rhea); lord of the Sky.

 The Jupiter de Smyrne, discovered in Smyrna in 1680[1]

14. Hera(Juno) - the daughter of Kronos (Cronos) and Rheia (Rhea); the wife to Zeus; the most beautiful of the Immortals.

 The Campana Hera, a Roman copy of a Hellenistic original, from the Louvre

15. Eris - the goddess of Discord and Strife.

 Eris on an Attic plate, ca. 575–525 BC

16. Fates(Morae) - the Daughters of Necessity; born of Zeus and Themis.


17. Hermes(Mercury) - Hermes, the wing shod messenger of the Olympians; the son of Zeus and Maia.


18. Thetis - one of the fifty daughters of Nereus and Doris; the wife of Peleus and the mother of Akhilleus (Achilles).


19. Kronos (Cronos)(Saturn) - the Titan; father of the Olympians

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