1. crisscross(v.)[ˋkrɪs͵krɔs]
to move or exist in a pattern of crossing lines
eg. These concepts are inter - related and differentiate, making a crisscross network of dialects.
2. exposition(n.)[͵ɛkspəˋzɪʃən]
a statement that explains something clearly
eg. John gave a very exposition of the facts.
3. controversial(adj.)[͵kɑntrəˋvɝʃəl]
causing or likely to cause disagreement
eg. The topic of argument is controversial.
4. discriminate(v.)[dɪˋskrɪmə͵net]
to treat a person or particular group of people differently and esp. unfairly, in a way that is worse than the way people are usually treated
eg. It is unjust and unlawful to discriminate against people of other races.
5. exclusively(adv.)[ɪkˋsklusɪvlɪ]
limited to a specific thing or group
eg. The star has a ski slope reserved exclusively for her.
6. liberal(adj.)[ˋlɪbərəl]
allowing many different types of beliefs or behavior
eg.He has a liberal attitude to divorce and remarriage.
7. fragile(adj.)[ˋfrædʒəl]
easily damaged, broken, or harmed
eg.The old lady was increasingly fragile after her operation.
8. annuity(n.)[əˋnjuətɪ]
an amount of money paid to someone every year, usually until that person’s death, or the insurance agreement or investment that provides money that is paid this way
eg. The enterprise annuity is a kind of enterprise system for employees.
9. far-fetched(adj.)[ˋfɑrˋfɛtʃt]
difficult to believe and unlikely to be true
eg. Forget all these far - fetched excuses. They just want to goof off.
10. desperate(adj.)[ˋdɛspərɪt]
showing a willingness to take any risk in order to change a bad or dangerous situation / A desperate person is willing to take any measures and may be dangerous
eg.The government is desperate to regain credibility with the public.
11. endeavor(n.)[ɪnˋdɛvɚ]
an effort or attempt to do something
eg.We endeavor to make our customers satisfied.
12. promotion(n.)[prəˋmoʃən]
the advancement of someone to a more important rank or position
eg. This misbehaviour will certainly go against his chances of promotion.
13. negotiation (n.)[nɪ͵goʃɪˋeʃən]
the process of discussing something with someone in order to reach an agreement, or the discussions themselves
eg. We consummated an agreement after a year of negotiation.
14. plaintiff(n.)[ˋplentɪf]
a person who accuses someone else in a law case of having done something illegal
eg.The burden of proof lay on the plaintiff to prove negligence.
15. opponent(n.)[əˋponənt]
a person who disagrees with something and speaks against it or tries to change it
eg.The boxer gave his opponent a punch on the nose.
16. authorization(n.)[͵ɔθərəˋzeʃən]
to give official permission for something to happen, or to give someone official permission to do something
eg. Anglers are required to obtain prior authorization from the park keeper.
17. detention(n.)[dɪˋtɛnʃən]
the act or condition of being officially forced to stay in a place
eg. He was kept in detention by the police.
18. potentiality(n.)[pə͵tɛnʃɪˋælətɪ]
an ability for development, achievement or success which is natural or has not been used
eg.All of these are quite useful breeds whose potentiality has not been realised.
19. prosecute(v.)[ˋprɑsɪ͵kjut]
to officially accuse someone of committing an illegal act, and to bring a case against that person in a court of law
eg.I am trying my best to prosecute my duties.
20. justifiable(adj.)[ˋdʒʌstə͵faɪəb!]
able to be explained or shown to be reasonable; understandable
eg. Whether mercy killing is justifiable is still an open question.
21. balky(adj.)[ˋbɔkɪ]
stopping short and refusing to go on
eg. The balky engine sputtered and stopped.
22. ambiguous(adj.)[æmˋbɪgjʊəs]
having or expressing more than one possible meaning, sometimes intentionally
eg.The wording is so ambiguous that it leads to misinterpretations.
23. applaud(v.)[əˋplɔd]
to show your enjoyment or approval of something such as a performance by clapping your hands repeatedly
eg.The pupils that had been watching started to applaud.
24. condemn(v.)[kənˋdɛm]
to criticize something or someone strongly, usually for moral reasons
eg. We all condemn cruelty to women and children.