1.   acropolis(n.)[əˋkrɑpəlɪs]
 the citadel in ancient Greek towns
eg. The Acropolis dominates the city of Athens.

2.   libation(n.)[laɪˋbeʃən]
an amount of alcoholic drink poured out or drunk in honour of a god or a dead relation /  a drink of alcohol
eg.  He was consuming his final libation.

3.   reverence(v.)[ˋrɛvərəns]
 to greatly respect and admire someone or something
eg. I had a theoretical reverence and homage for beauty, elegance, gallantry, fascination.

4.   unblemished(adj.)[ʌnˋblɛmɪʃt]
describes a reputation, character, etc. that has no faults and is not spoiled in any way
eg.You essence is as pure and perfect as an unblemished jewel.

5.   exquisite(adj.)[ˋɛkskwɪzɪt]
especially beautiful or admirable
eg.Exquisite workmanship is the outstanding characteristic of these artistic handwork's.

6.   voyage(n.)[ˋvɔɪɪdʒ]
a long trip, esp. by ship
eg.  She escaped her family and shipped on a voyage to Australia.

7.   ritual(n.)[ˋrɪtʃʊəl]
a set of actions or words performed in a regular way, often as part of a religious ceremony / A ritual is also any act done regularly, usually without thinking about it
eg.  Putting on a hat can be a ceremonious act, an elegant gesture in the ritual of dressing.

8.   ferrule(n.)[ˋfɛrəl]
a metal cap or band placed on a wooden pole to prevent splitting
eg.The tapered legs, each fitted with a brass ferrule caps the bottom, appear elegant.

9.   pedestrian(n.)[pəˋdɛstrɪən]
a person who is walking, esp. in an area where vehicles go
eg.The criminal pushed a pedestrian down and ran away.

10.  calibrate(v.)[ˋkælə͵bret]
 to make, adjust, or check the setting (= the position) of the controls used to make measurements with a tool or measuring device
eg.Pesticide levels in food are simply too difficult to calibrate.

11.  sprout(v.)[spraʊt]
to begin to grow, or to produce new growth
eg.The seeds sprout into small, hairlike seedings.

12.  disperse(v.)[dɪˋspɝs]
to scatter or move away over a large area, or to cause this to happen
eg.The intense currents disperse the sewage.

13.  diagonally(adv.)[daɪˋægənəlɪ]
A diagonal line is straight and sloping, not horizontal or vertical, for example joining two opposite corners of a square or other flat shape with four sides
eg. Instead of returning to the road, he cut diagonally through a scattering of pine trees.

14.  installation(n.)[͵ɪnstəˋleʃən]
the act of putting something in place so that it is ready for use
eg.All large ships now have a wireless installation.

15.  podium(n.)[ˋpodɪəm]
a small, low box or stage that someone stands on in order to be seen by a group of people, esp. to speak or conduct music
eg. It was a beautiful and emotional feeling on the podium.

16.  beverage(n.)[ˋbɛvərɪdʒ]
a drink of any type
eg.Beer is a beverage of the remotest time.

17.  splitting(adj.)[ˋsplɪtɪŋ]
very strong, severe, or painful
eg.  We could hear the oak riving and splitting under the machine - gun fire.

18.  intolerable(adj.)[ɪnˋtɑlərəb!]
too bad or difficult to bear or to be accepted
eg.His illness placed an intolerable burden on his family.

19.  monotonous(adj.)[məˋnɑtənəs]
boring because of never changing
eg. She thought life in the small town was monotonous.

20.  overestimate(v.)[͵ovɚˋɛstə͵met]
to think that something is or will be greater, more extreme, or more important than it really is
eg. Don't overestimate seriousness of the problem.

21.  smudge(n.)[smʌdʒ]
a mark left on a surface, usually unintentionally, from having touched something wet or sticky
eg.The police identified the murderess from a smudge of blood on the shirt.

22.  vehicular(adj.)[vɪˋhɪkjəlɚ]
 something used to transport people or goods, esp. something used on land or roads
eg.Township, there are hospitals, there are medical, traffic inconvenience, occasional vehicular traffic.

23.  prospect(n.)[ˋprɑspɛkt]
the possibility or likelihood that something will happen
eg.  This state of things holds out a cheerful prospect.

24.  vaccination(n.)[͵væksnˋeʃən]
 a special substance that you take into your body to prevent a disease, and that contains a weakened or dead form of the disease-causing organism
eg.Vaccination is a preventive against smallpox.

25.  symmetrical(adj.)[sɪˋmɛtrɪk!]
the quality of having parts on either side or half that match each other, esp. in an attractive way, or are the same size or shape
eg. The symmetrical design of this church makes it very beautiful.

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